Paleo Diet Videos: The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying

Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi’s videos this week cover important and interesting topics. This week he discusses our activity level and what has happened to it, more about sugar, obesity and bullying. and how he became morbidly obese. The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying What Ever Happened to the Strenuous Life? This first video is about [...]
Celebrities on the Paleo Diet

A couple of interesting articles popped into my news feed today - about a couple of celebrities who’ve been getting good results with the paleo diet (or something sounding pretty close to it). Matthew McConaughey This Hubpages article outlines how the actor “stays in amazing physical condition year round without fancy machines or equipment”: Matthew [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 7
The Paleo Summit is winding down. On this second to last day of the event there are three more educational and informative presentations.Today’s interviews start off with Dr. Cate Shanahan, author of the books “Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food” and “Food Rules: A Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Eating“. Then we have Keith [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 4
There’s another fantastic line up today! We have Nora Gedgaudas, author of “Primal Body, Primal Mind“, organic chemist Dr. Mat Lalonde, and Amy Kubal, registered dietitian and nutritionist Nora Gedgaudas talks about Safe Starches: To Eat or Not to Eat? Safe starches have received their fair share of attention — and no shortage of controversy [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 2
Who did we hear from day 2 of the Paleo Summit? Neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse started off the show, and talks about Leptin Circadian cycles. Sarah Fragoso on Paleo, Kids, and the Family. And finally Erwan Le Corre who discussed MovNat: Exploring Your True Nature. Dr. Kruse uncovers how leptin resistance lies at the root of [...]
Another CBS Station, WAFB, Reports on the Paleo Diet
The news about the Paleo diet continues to spread. The latest TV affiliate to pick up the story is WAFB, the CBS station in Baton Rouge, LA. The story focuses on Bethany France who has lost 85 lbs following the Paleo diet, in about 11 months. What a fantastic result! Bethany, like so many of [...]
Pale Diet News: The Paleo Summit
Sharpen your pencils and get ready to learn. The first ever Paleo Summit is taking place February 26 - March 3. What is the Paleo Summit? It is a series of presentations given on-line over the course of several days. Presented by Sean Croxton of, this summit is filled with presentations by some of [...]
Paleo Diet News: Monday Link Love
Let’s get the week off to a great paleo start with a round up of some great paleo articles - some new, some old - from around the web. It’s Monday Link Love time! Have a good one, paleo peeps… The Being Primal blog takes a look at how different elements of a paleo approach [...]
Boost Your Weight-Loss Resolution With The Paleo Diet
Now that we’re well into January, you may be taking stock of your New Year’s resolution to lose a few pounds. How’s it going? If you’re struggling (dieting isn’t easy) you may be interested in taking an approach which involves eating large and satisyfing portions of real food. Perhaps its time to boost your weight-loss [...]
More Good ‘News’ about the Paleo Diet
There really is a trend, at least among CBS affliliate stations to encourage people to follow the paleo diet. Last week we reported on the CBS News affiliate in Philly which gave a Thanksgiving spin to their story. Dr. Kim Mulvhill started the ball rolling at the CBS affiliate in San Francisco when she lost [...]