Paleo Diet: What If Sugar Doesn’t Cause Diabetes?
It’s a serious question. What IF sugar doesn’t cause diabetes? I know, everyone in the world “knows” that diabetes is a functional breakdown of the body’s ability to effectively utilize and remove excess sugar (Glucose) from the blood stream, but does that mean that sugar is at the very root cause of the disease? Isn’t [...]
Paleo Diet: Fighting Within The Ranks…AGAIN!
I guess it was bound to happen. For a while there, the Paleo community on the whole seemed to get along nicely, like one large reasonably cohesive family…..but now, not so much. Recently, the Paleo community has witnessed a little, sometimes-unfriendly fighting within the ranks. First, everyone began taking shots at Don Matesz for his [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 8 - The Last Day!!
So, here we are, at the very last day, day 8 of the Paleo Summit. For me this has been an eye opening experience. I have learned SO much and am now rethinking my overall health strategy in a big way. I am deeply grateful to Sean Croxton for putting together such a fabulous collection [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 7
The Paleo Summit is winding down. On this second to last day of the event there are three more educational and informative presentations.Today’s interviews start off with Dr. Cate Shanahan, author of the books “Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food” and “Food Rules: A Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Eating“. Then we have Keith [...]
Paleo Diet News: Saturday Link-Love
Some paleo diet highlights from around the web this week in Saturday Link-Love….. Excited by this review by Mark Sisson of the forthcoming film In Search Of The Perfect Human Diet Mark also has some interesting stuff to say about the benefits of taking a personal retreat - something I enjoy doing from time to time, and need [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 6
Wow! The Paleo Summit keeps getting better and better! Today Sean Croxton is interviewing Paul Chek, founder of the C.H.E.K. Institute, Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, health educators and the developers of the Whole9 Life program, and Dr. Allison Siebecker a naturopathic doctor. Paul Chek – Living Primal: Instinct Before Intellect With so much research [...]
Paleo Diet: Ketosis and Liver Disease
I know what you’re thinking “jeeze, Barry’s been really anti-low-carb recently….what’s the deal!?”. Well, let me be clear that I’m really not against low-carb at all. In fact, I think low-carb or ketogenic Paleo is hands down the best way for a person to lose some body-fat, and reign-in any autoimmune or metabolic issues they [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 4
There’s another fantastic line up today! We have Nora Gedgaudas, author of “Primal Body, Primal Mind“, organic chemist Dr. Mat Lalonde, and Amy Kubal, registered dietitian and nutritionist Nora Gedgaudas talks about Safe Starches: To Eat or Not to Eat? Safe starches have received their fair share of attention — and no shortage of controversy [...]
A Day’s Eating on the Paleo Diet
Today, I’m going to be brief! Internet issues mean I keep getting booted offline, so I figure I’ve got just about enough time to post these three videos, which make up a day’s eating on the paleo diet: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Enjoy! Breakfast Lunch Dinner So there you have it - a day’s eating [...]
Paleo Diet: Thursday Link Love
It used to be Wednesday, and then I skipped a few, so Brian posted a “Sunday Link Love” article, so I think I’m going to break the rules yet again. Here it is, nearly the end of the week, and I’m suffering from that well-known blogger’s block. I really don’t seem to have a whole [...]