The Paleo Diet and Cheat Meals

We all do it… It’s ok to admit it… Every now and then we all eat something that is definitely not Paleo. Does everyone eat in a perfectly Paleo way for every meal of the day, seven days a week? Maybe some die-hards, but on the whole, I’d have to say no, most people cheat [...]
Paleo Diet Review: Olivia Newton-John’s ‘Livwise’

In fact, I’m still quite a fan even now, so I was delighted when she announced last year that she’d be releasing a book about her relationship with food and cooking. I decided back then it would probably merit a Paleo Diet News review. The book - Livwise:Easy Recipes For A Healthy Happy Life - has just [...]
Paleo Diet Videos: The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying

Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi’s videos this week cover important and interesting topics. This week he discusses our activity level and what has happened to it, more about sugar, obesity and bullying. and how he became morbidly obese. The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying What Ever Happened to the Strenuous Life? This first video is about [...]
Celebrities on the Paleo Diet

A couple of interesting articles popped into my news feed today - about a couple of celebrities who’ve been getting good results with the paleo diet (or something sounding pretty close to it). Matthew McConaughey This Hubpages article outlines how the actor “stays in amazing physical condition year round without fancy machines or equipment”: Matthew [...]
Paleo Diet: Should We Chew Our Children’s Food?
Isn’t it funny how every time a celebrity does something that the rest of the world would deem “weird” or “silly”…..and it happens to get caught on video…..suddenly, everyone in the world is talking about it. Just the other day a video surfaced in the media, of Alicia Silverstone chewing her child’s food, and then [...]
Paleo Diet & Quitting Smoking
A couple of my close friends are currently struggling with quitting smoking. They made the New Year’s resolution to give up, and set Easter as the point at which they’d be free of the evil weed. Both have reported finding it harder than they thought they would. They asked if I knew of any good “stop [...]
Paleo Diet News: Easter Link Love
Well, Easter has come and gone, and I was incredibly busy what with all of the kids and family stuff, so I figured that I’d throw out one of those useful link-love posts. The bloggers slowed down a bit over the holiday, so hopefully they’ll pick up again this week, otherwise I won’t have much [...]
Paleo Diet: Can We Force People To Be Paleo?
Can’t we just hold a knife to people’s throats, or threaten to blow their houses up, if they don’t change to a Paleo Template way of eating? Can’t we hold their children for ransom, or throw bricks through their windows if they won’t voluntarily come over to the fuzzy side of the force? No? Well, [...]
Paleo Diet: Carbsane Vs. Kruse
You know, I guess at some point someone is going to yell at me for helping to spread the negativity and dissension within the Paleo community, and my reply will probably be of the inevitable “Don’t shoot the messenger!!” kind. I happen to think….as many people do…..that what these people who are being attacked, bring [...]
Do You Live Paleo, or Just Eat Paleo?
There is a great guest post published today, over at the Free The Animal blog by Russ Crandall, entitled “The Difference Between Eating Paleo and “Being Paleo””. Russ, evidently attended the recent PaleoFX Symposium, and came to a few conclusions about what it means to either “be Paleo” or just “eat Paleo”. “I can honestly [...]