Stephan Guyenet Weighs in on Fructose

It seems that I’m not the only person who’s paying attention to David Despain’s “Evolving Health” blog. Evelyn, aka “Carbsane” has be cialis online purchase en raving about David’s interview with John Sievenpiper, that he wrote about in his article entitled “Fate of fructose: Interview with Dr. John Sievenpiper” (believe it or not), and now [...]
Is Insulin Really The Bad Guy That Some Make It Out To Be?

Poor old insulin…’s been labeled as being the devil in the details for quite a long time now. The entire Low-Carb movement basically hangs it’s hat on the idea that insulin is single-handedly responsible for cheapest viagra australia making humanity fat. I had an argument once, about Gary Taubes with a commenter on my Underground [...]
The Cosmetic Surgeon Who Prescribes Paleo

Not that I’m a stalker, or in any way overly obsessed with Robb Wolf, but I just happened to notice a link that he posted to his twitter feed, that caught my interest today. It said: “Great story about the plastic surgery clinic I’m w viagra australia orking with in Reno:(link removed)” So of course [...]
Paleo Diet: Which Hormone Is Responsible For Obesity?
One of the problems associated with finding a cause as well as an answer for obesity, is that everyone seems to want to pin the blame on a single food, or a single hormone. Some people have blamed carbohydrates on the whole; others have blamed insulin, probably because of its inherent association with carbohydrates. Which [...]
The Paleo Diet And Gout
This is a subject that I’ve touched on before in previous articles, but even though it’s been in the back of mind for some time, I’ve never actually dedicated an entire article to gout. gout is actually a widespread condition, that causes a lot of pain for the people who suffer with it. What is [...]
Paleo Diet Videos: The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying

Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi’s videos this week cover important and interesting topics. This week he discusses our activity level and what has happened to it, more about sugar, obesity and bullying. and how he became morbidly obese. The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying What Ever Happened to the Strenuous Life? This first video is about [...]
Celebrities on the Paleo Diet

A couple of interesting articles popped into my news feed today - about a couple of celebrities who’ve been getting good results with the paleo diet (or something sounding pretty close to it). Matthew McConaughey This Hubpages article outlines how the actor “stays in amazing physical condition year round without fancy machines or equipment”: Matthew [...]
Paleo Diet’s Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi - Toxic Sugar Videos
I am going to be creating a somewhat regular feature here on Paleo Diet News, featuring the videos of Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi, chiropractor extraordinaire from Kingston PA. He is a low carbohydrate/Paleo diet proponent who has successfully regained his health, and in doing so has lost a significant amount of weight as well. [...]
Paleo Diet: Is Water Toxic?
The funny thing about alarmism is that in the correct (or incorrect depending upon how you look at it) circumstances, absolutely anything can be toxic in excessive amounts. “Excessive” is a term that has a different meaning based upon the subject. This article isn’t even about water, but I thought I’d pull you in with [...]
Paleo Diet News Review: Escape The Diet Trap

I reviewed Dr Briffa’s previous book Waist Disposal here on Paleo Diet News last year. That one focused on fat loss for men, and did so in an admirably clear way, utilising a diet based solidly on paleo precepts. Since it came out, I’ve recommended it to numerous male friends who have mentioned their need [...]