Paleo Diet: New Data Shows HDL Might Not Be So “Protective”
Ask five different “experts” about cholesterol, and you’ll no doubt get five very different answers. Sure, the overall “Paleo” view of cholesterol’s relationship to health and longevity is very different from the mainstream ideology, but even many ancestral health aficionados don’t have a firm grasp on what those famous numbers actually mean. Who does know? [...]
The Paleo Diet Vs. Cancer

I know, all of us at Paleo Diet News have written about Cancer before, and how the Paleo Template can potentially be our best defense against the big “C” word. But, over the last few months, I have gathered some new tidbits of information that may be highly complementary in the fight against Cancer. The [...]
The Paleo Diet and Magnesium Deficiency
What does protein do for your body? It helps you grow muscles, everyone knows that. What does magnesium do for your body? If you know the answer to that question, you’re definitely in the minority. I wouldn’t be surprised if you do know, because us nutrition aficionados usually know a little more than the average [...]
Paleo Diet News: Dr. Jack Kruse at TEDxNashville
The video of Dr. Jack Kruse at TEDxNashville has been released and boy, it was fascinating, at least to me. I have been anticipating this ever since Dr. Kruse mentioned that he was going to be presenting at TED. I have been sort of following his progress with the Leptin Reset Prescription and Cold Thermogenesis [...]
The Paleo Diet And Acne
Yesterday I wrote about how the Paleo Diet was able to completely eradicate my allergies…..however, this subject is something that Paleo wasn’t able to solve for me. You see, when I was a teenager, I had horrible acne…..horrible! My face was literally covered by ugly, angry looking, puss filled pimples. My entire face was red [...]
The Paleo Diet And Allergies
Once upon a time, in a land far, far, away….some called it Kentucky…..was a man called Barry Cripps. Barry was a generally healthy chap, with no major ailments to speak of, but what he DID have, was a nasty case of seasonal allergies. Every spring his allergies would flair in unison with the rising pollen [...]
The Paleo Diet And Gout
This is a subject that I’ve touched on before in previous articles, but even though it’s been in the back of mind for some time, I’ve never actually dedicated an entire article to gout. gout is actually a widespread condition, that causes a lot of pain for the people who suffer with it. What is [...]
Does Pat Summitt Need Paleo?

Pat Summitt I know, it’s a rhetorical question…..everyone needs Paleo. Considering that it was the natural human diet for around 2.5 millions years of evolution, there’s not much of an argument against the Paleo diet being correct and healthy for everyone on the planet. In this specific case though, a ketogenic version of the Paleo [...]
The Paleo Diet And Behcet’s Disease
I was listening to Robb Wolf’s Paleo Solution Podcast episode 125 just yesterday, and he answered a question about Behcet’s Disease that captured my interest. According to Greg, it’s pronounced “Beh-chet”, which was confirmed here. Here’s a little info about the disease: “Behcet’s (beh-CHETS) disease, also called Behcet’s syndrome, is a rare disorder that causes chronic [...]
Paleo Diet’s Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi - Toxic Sugar Videos
I am going to be creating a somewhat regular feature here on Paleo Diet News, featuring the videos of Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi, chiropractor extraordinaire from Kingston PA. He is a low carbohydrate/Paleo diet proponent who has successfully regained his health, and in doing so has lost a significant amount of weight as well. [...]