The Cosmetic Surgeon Who Prescribes Paleo

Not that I’m a stalker, or in any way overly obsessed with Robb Wolf, but I just happened to notice a link that he posted to his twitter feed, that caught my interest today. It said: “Great story about the plastic surgery clinic I’m w viagra australia orking with in Reno:(link removed)” So of course [...]
Robb Wolf on Paleo Sustainability
I have to say…..I really admire Robb Wolf. He’s a super down-to-earth guy, with a ridiculously high IQ, a ton of common sense, and an extremely potent bullsh&t filter. When Robb speaks, people listen. W buy viagra online without prescription hy? Because he doesn’t make any obscene claims, push any gimmicks, or ever appear to [...]
The Paleo Diet and Microwave Ovens
[/capt free viagra ion] I’m the owner of a group on Facebook, geared towards the in depth scientific discussion of all things related to the Paleo Diet, called “Paleo Geeks Anonymous”. We talk about a lot of things, some of which are worth mentioning here, while others are not. Yesterday, one of the members asked [...]
The Paleo Diet Vs. Cancer

I know, all of us at Paleo Diet News have written about Cancer before, and how the Paleo Template can potentially be our best defense against the big “C” word. But, over the last few months, I have gathered some new tidbits of information that may be highly complementary in the fight against Cancer. The [...]
Paleo Diet News: Are These 8 Foods Paleo?
No matter how hard all of the most famous writers in the Paleo and Primal world try to be as specific as possible, in their classification of foods as either “Paleo” or “not-Paleo“, there are always some that slip through the cracks. The nice thing about having a blog, as well as a popular book, [...]
Paleo Diet News: Dr. Jack Kruse Accused Of Attempted Bio-Terrorism
Dr. Jack Kruse, Nashville Neurosurgeon, and Paleo Diet community leader was the victim of an attempt to incriminate the doctor, and basically ruin his weekend….which was obviously successful. Dr. Kruse was all set to sail on the 5th annual “Low-Carb Cruise”, hosted and organized by Jimmy Moore, when Cyber-terrorists threw a wrench in the works. [...]
Paleo Diet News: It Looks Like Steve Cooksey Is Off The Hook
A little over a week ago, on April 27th 2012, Steve Cooksey of the Diabetes Warrior blog, released information on his blog telling the world that he was under investigation by the North Carolina Board of Dietetics and Nutritionists, for providing unlicensed dietary advice from his website. You can read the announcement post here, in [...]
The Paleo Diet and Cheat Meals

We all do it… It’s ok to admit it… Every now and then we all eat something that is definitely not Paleo. Does everyone eat in a perfectly Paleo way for every meal of the day, seven days a week? Maybe some die-hards, but on the whole, I’d have to say no, most people cheat [...]
The Paleo Diet And Salt - Follow-Up
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post here on PDN, called “Paleo Diet: Does Salt Deserve Its Bad Reputation?”, which covered Chris Kresser’s initial post addressing the ins and outs of human salt consumption. I promised that I’d also comment on the follow-up posts, and now it’s time to follow through with that. Chris [...]