Paleo Diet News: Dr. Jack Kruse Accused Of Attempted Bio-Terrorism
Dr. Jack Kruse, Nashville Neurosurgeon, and Paleo Diet community leader was the victim of an attempt to incriminate the doctor, and basically ruin his weekend….which was obviously successful. Dr. Kruse was all set to sail on the 5th annual “Low-Carb Cruise”, hosted and organized by Jimmy Moore, when Cyber-terrorists threw a wrench in the works. [...]
Paleo Diet News: Dr. Jack Kruse at TEDxNashville
The video of Dr. Jack Kruse at TEDxNashville has been released and boy, it was fascinating, at least to me. I have been anticipating this ever since Dr. Kruse mentioned that he was going to be presenting at TED. I have been sort of following his progress with the Leptin Reset Prescription and Cold Thermogenesis [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 2
Who did we hear from day 2 of the Paleo Summit? Neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse started off the show, and talks about Leptin Circadian cycles. Sarah Fragoso on Paleo, Kids, and the Family. And finally Erwan Le Corre who discussed MovNat: Exploring Your True Nature. Dr. Kruse uncovers how leptin resistance lies at the root of [...]
Pale Diet News: The Paleo Summit
Sharpen your pencils and get ready to learn. The first ever Paleo Summit is taking place February 26 - March 3. What is the Paleo Summit? It is a series of presentations given on-line over the course of several days. Presented by Sean Croxton of, this summit is filled with presentations by some of [...]
Paleo Diet: What About Cortisol?
Maybe you’ve heard the word “cortisol” thrown around a few times, and maybe it means nothing to you. If you’ve ever been remotely into body-building, it’s a term that you would be very familiar with. Before we get into the “What About Cortisol?” topic, I want to talk a little about the author of the [...]