The Cosmetic Surgeon Who Prescribes Paleo

Not that I’m a stalker, or in any way overly obsessed with Robb Wolf, but I just happened to notice a link that he posted to his twitter feed, that caught my interest today. It said: “Great story about the plastic surgery clinic I’m w viagra australia orking with in Reno:(link removed)” So of course [...]
Paleo Diet News: Dr. Jack Kruse at TEDxNashville
The video of Dr. Jack Kruse at TEDxNashville has been released and boy, it was fascinating, at least to me. I have been anticipating this ever since Dr. Kruse mentioned that he was going to be presenting at TED. I have been sort of following his progress with the Leptin Reset Prescription and Cold Thermogenesis [...]
Celebrities on the Paleo Diet

A couple of interesting articles popped into my news feed today - about a couple of celebrities who’ve been getting good results with the paleo diet (or something sounding pretty close to it). Matthew McConaughey This Hubpages article outlines how the actor “stays in amazing physical condition year round without fancy machines or equipment”: Matthew [...]
Carbsane Weighs In On Cold Therapy
Evelyn AKA Carbsane, has been ranting, spouting, and complaining about Jack Kruse for quite a while now, but she finally decided to bring some helpful information to the table in an article on April 11th 2012. In the article entitled “Cold Adaptation, BAT & Thermogenesis”, Evelyn brings us back to the reality of the true [...]
Does Cold Therapy Increase Body-Fat?
When it comes to Cold Therapy, some people might well be worried about the possibility of cold temperatures causing an increase in body-fat, to act as insulation against the cold. But does cold therapy increase body fat? In another short but sweet article by Ray Cronise of the Thermogenex blog, entitled “Fasten Your Seat Belts…”, [...]
How Cold Is Cold Enough?
One of the questions that might be asked about this whole Thermal Loading deal is, “how cold does it need to be?’ or “How Cold Is Cold Enough?”. Do I need to submerge myself in ice water to gain the desired effect? In this article from Ray Cronise’s Thermogenex blog called “Cool not cold…”, Ray [...]
Who Else Is Behind This Cold Therapy Stuff?
So we already know that there is something promising about this whole cold therapy deal, but who else is out there doing the research? Often where there is one highly visible person shouting a message from the roof-tops, there are several other people, who are not as well known, but who also potentially have a [...]
Paleo Diet News Review: Escape The Diet Trap

I reviewed Dr Briffa’s previous book Waist Disposal here on Paleo Diet News last year. That one focused on fat loss for men, and did so in an admirably clear way, utilising a diet based solidly on paleo precepts. Since it came out, I’ve recommended it to numerous male friends who have mentioned their need [...]
Paleo Diet: Carbsane Vs. Kruse
You know, I guess at some point someone is going to yell at me for helping to spread the negativity and dissension within the Paleo community, and my reply will probably be of the inevitable “Don’t shoot the messenger!!” kind. I happen to think….as many people do…..that what these people who are being attacked, bring [...]
Paleo Diet: Is That Loose Skin, or Just Body-Fat?
This subject is actually a large concern for a lot of people. It has concerned me in the past because…..well…I’m vain, and I didn’t relish the idea of having pieces of loose skin on my body, as I lost weight. I was never really more than about 20lbs overweight, even at my heaviest, but after [...]