Steve Cooksey Decides to Bite Back!

We all know that Steve Cooksey is a great guy, with good intentions, but sometimes when push comes to shove, even nice guys decide that it’s time to pull out the M61 Vulcan Cannon, strap the ammo box to their back, connect the ammo chain, and buy cheap lasix get ready to rumble. It became [...]
How Long Are Your Telomeres, and Does That Mean Anything?

I’m sure that you’ve heard people talking about Telomeres……or maybe you’re already a total Telomere expert already? Good for you, because I don’t know a whole lot about them myself. Luckily, it seems that Mark Sisson, and  Dr. Ron Rosedal buy cialis e have teemed up to educated the Primal masses about Telomeres. How Long [...]
Stephan Guyenet Weighs in on Fructose

It seems that I’m not the only person who’s paying attention to David Despain’s “Evolving Health” blog. Evelyn, aka “Carbsane” has be cialis online purchase en raving about David’s interview with John Sievenpiper, that he wrote about in his article entitled “Fate of fructose: Interview with Dr. John Sievenpiper” (believe it or not), and now [...]
If You Want To Age Well, Build Some Muscle!

Everyone is looking for the fountain of youth. Health and beauty products that claim to either slow-down or reverse the process of aging have a huge marketshare right now. Growing old is inevitable….it happens to us all…..but how we look and feel when we (hopefully) make it to a ripe old age, is apparently up [...]
Is Insulin Really The Bad Guy That Some Make It Out To Be?

Poor old insulin…’s been labeled as being the devil in the details for quite a long time now. The entire Low-Carb movement basically hangs it’s hat on the idea that insulin is single-handedly responsible for cheapest viagra australia making humanity fat. I had an argument once, about Gary Taubes with a commenter on my Underground [...]
Paleo Diet News: Sunday Link Love

It’s that time of the week again……I know cheap viagra you’re excited! It’s time for the Sunday Link love round-up! I know I’ve complained about the distinct lack of recent blog posts for the Paleosphere, but it’s still going on. It’s like some kind of strike or embargo. Maybe all the “Paleo elite”, or the [...]
Paleo Diet News: Two Interesting Articles

The Paleo Blogasphere is still ra brand viagra canada ther quiet right now. Several of the major bloggers have fallen silent over the last several months, which is leaving fresh blog post pickings a little slim recently. There were two interesting articles that caught my eye today, but neither one of them is worthy of [...]
Paleo Diet News: Marathon Runners Die of Heart Attacks Too

Every now and then, a marathon runner makes it into the news. Most runners would love to become a news headline by breaking records, or winning important races etc, but I don’t think that any runners want to ultimately end up in the news after dying of a heart attack. Obviously no-one wants to die [...]
The Cosmetic Surgeon Who Prescribes Paleo

Not that I’m a stalker, or in any way overly obsessed with Robb Wolf, but I just happened to notice a link that he posted to his twitter feed, that caught my interest today. It said: “Great story about the plastic surgery clinic I’m w viagra australia orking with in Reno:(link removed)” So of course [...]
Why Are All Of These “High Fat” Diet Studies Not Really High Fat?
Sometimes, I just feel like ranting, and this is one of those times. Seriously…. Why are all of these “high fat” diet studies not really high fat?! In my mind it renders any study that uses this methodology, completel non prescription viagra y worthless. You can’t form conclusions about basically anything, if these scientists are [...]