The Paleo Summit - Day 8 - The Last Day!!
So, here we are, at the very last day, day 8 of the Paleo Summit. For me this has been an eye opening experience. I have learned SO much and am now rethinking my overall health strategy in a big way. I am deeply grateful to Sean Croxton for putting together such a fabulous collection [...]
The Paleo Summit – Day 5
On the Paleo Summit, Day 5 we have Denise Minger, a former raw vegan and avid student of nutrition, Chris Kresser, licensed acupuncturist and practitioner of integrative medicine, and Reed Davis, clinical nutritionist and founder of the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN). Denise Minger - How to Win an Argument with a Vegetarian The Paleo Diet [...]
The Paleo Summit is Here - Day 1
The Paleo Summit is here! The first day features Mark Sisson, of Mark’s Daily Apple and Diane Sanfilippo of Balanced Bites. Mark Sisson kicks off the program with a definition of what ancestral living really means. A basic tenet of the Paleo diet is to eat as our ancestors ate, but who were these ancestors? [...]
The Paleo Diet and Self Experimentation
How old are you? Where are you from? Are you Male or Female? How tall are you? Where are your ancestors from? Are you fair skinned, or dark skinned? Do you tan easily, or burn easily? What time do you go to bed? What time do you get up? Do you gain weight easily? Do [...]