Paleo Diet News: Two Interesting Articles

The Paleo Blogasphere is still ra brand viagra canada ther quiet right now. Several of the major bloggers have fallen silent over the last several months, which is leaving fresh blog post pickings a little slim recently. There were two interesting articles that caught my eye today, but neither one of them is worthy of [...]
Paleo Diet News: Are These 8 Foods Paleo?
No matter how hard all of the most famous writers in the Paleo and Primal world try to be as specific as possible, in their classification of foods as either “Paleo” or “not-Paleo“, there are always some that slip through the cracks. The nice thing about having a blog, as well as a popular book, [...]
The Paleo Diet And Midnight Snacking
I’ll be the first to admit it…..I eat a lot at night, before I go to bed. Regardless of whether or not it’s a good idea to eat at all right before bed, most of the time my choice of food late at night, are not exactly the best possible. There ar buy viagra online [...]
The Paleo Diet And Gout
This is a subject that I’ve touched on before in previous articles, but even though it’s been in the back of mind for some time, I’ve never actually dedicated an entire article to gout. gout is actually a widespread condition, that causes a lot of pain for the people who suffer with it. What is [...]
Paleo Diet: Should We Chew Our Children’s Food?
Isn’t it funny how every time a celebrity does something that the rest of the world would deem “weird” or “silly”…..and it happens to get caught on video…..suddenly, everyone in the world is talking about it. Just the other day a video surfaced in the media, of Alicia Silverstone chewing her child’s food, and then [...]
Paleo Diet: Fasting And Cancer
I guess this is one of those weeks where Mark Sisson just decided to turn-out a few little gems on his blog. My last post was about one of Mark’s articles, and so is this one. Cancer has to be one of the scariest “diseases” out there. Ok, so it’s really more of a mutation [...]
Paleo Diet: Is That Loose Skin, or Just Body-Fat?
This subject is actually a large concern for a lot of people. It has concerned me in the past because…..well…I’m vain, and I didn’t relish the idea of having pieces of loose skin on my body, as I lost weight. I was never really more than about 20lbs overweight, even at my heaviest, but after [...]
Paleo Diet News: Friday Link Love
Watchout, here come the excuses! The main reason that I chose to do a link post today is because I’m currently dropping into deep Ketosis after eating a high-carb diet for the last month. I’m 24 hours in, I’ve eaten less than 10grams of carbs today, and my brain is barely functioning at this point. [...]
More Media Coverage of the Paleo Diet
I’ve been trying to keep tabs on how many CBS affiliates around the US have reported on the Paleo diet, but I’ve lost count. The latest station, CBS 4 in Miami, has a short report which features two people who are following the Paleo diet for different reasons. More Media Coverage of the Paleo Diet [...]
Paleo Diet News: Saturday Link-Love
Some paleo diet highlights from around the web this week in Saturday Link-Love….. Excited by this review by Mark Sisson of the forthcoming film In Search Of The Perfect Human Diet Mark also has some interesting stuff to say about the benefits of taking a personal retreat - something I enjoy doing from time to time, and need [...]