Robb Wolf on Paleo Sustainability
I have to say…..I really admire Robb Wolf. He’s a super down-to-earth guy, with a ridiculously high IQ, a ton of common sense, and an extremely potent bullsh&t filter. When Robb speaks, people listen. W buy viagra online without prescription hy? Because he doesn’t make any obscene claims, push any gimmicks, or ever appear to [...]
The Paleo Diet And Dairy
You’re probably right, I’m also pretty sure that one of us here at Paleo Diet News has published something about the relationship between the Paleo Diet and Dairy before……heck, it may even have been me…..but I’m too lazy to check, and I’m pretty confident that I’m not going to repeat myself too horribly anyway, so……. [...]
Paleo Diet: Should Our Food Be Raw?
Everywhere you look, there are people talking about the possible benefits of raw food diets…..primarily raw vegan. I’m not going to go into detail here, but I’m pretty sure that if you’re reading articles on this site, you already know many reasons why a vegan diet of any kind (raw or not), is not optimal [...]
Permaculture and the Paleo Diet
Have you thought about growing your own food in sustainable ways? From Wikipedia: Permaculture is a theory of ecological design which seeks to develop sustainable human settlements and agricultural systems, by attempting to model them on natural ecosystems. It’s interesting to consider the relevance of permaculture in the context of the paleo diet. Mark Sisson [...]
The Best Way to Eat Eggs on the Paleo Diet
Eggs are a major staple of the Paleo diet., or they seem to be among the Paleo practitioners I know. And they should be. Eggs are a fantastic source of protein and fat and are full of nutrients like vitamins E and A and omega-3. They are also relatively inexpensive - a great value for [...]
Paleo Diet and the Perfect (British!) Steak

Steak - it’s surely a staple of the paleo diet, so I thought it would be fun to see how some top chefs cook theirs. These luminaries of the British cooking scene have been teaching us to cook for many years, and they each have their own take on this old favourite. You might have to [...]
Killing Some Sacred Cows of the Paleo Diet

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s article on the winding path of paleo, I thought it would be worth posting this fascinating discussion between Harvard University’s Matt Lalonde and Steve from Evolution: This View Of Life. It’s of particular interest, because - as you’ll see - Lalonde takes a scientific approach to evolutionary nutrition that amounts [...]
The Winding Path of Paleo
I’ve been spending some time recently reflecting on my paleo journey: evaluating my progress to date; re-evaluating my goals; and considering my options for the future… Heavy stuff, huh? Well, this reverie was prompted by the fact that I’ve reached the point where my immersion in paleo literature, paleo-based friendships, and online paleo/primal communities brings [...]
3 Food Myths and the Paleo Diet
In my trolling about the web I came across an article that purported to clear up some myths about healthy foods. The article “5 Myths Haunting Your Healthy Foods” on the Business Insider website, listed what they called 5 deceptions, which cheat us out of our food dollars. As a Paleo diet follower and as [...]
Real Food Resource for the Paleo Diet
For those living in the Hudson Valley area in New York, there is a resource for whole real food, Earth to Table. Started by chef Joe Baldwin, the goal is to educate people about real food and to assist in find sources for real food. Earth to Table is a real food resource for the [...]