Paleo Diet News Review: Escape The Diet Trap

I reviewed Dr Briffa’s previous book Waist Disposal here on Paleo Diet News last year. That one focused on fat loss for men, and did so in an admirably clear way, utilising a diet based solidly on paleo precepts. Since it came out, I’ve recommended it to numerous male friends who have mentioned their need [...]
Paleo Diet: Fasting And Cancer
I guess this is one of those weeks where Mark Sisson just decided to turn-out a few little gems on his blog. My last post was about one of Mark’s articles, and so is this one. Cancer has to be one of the scariest “diseases” out there. Ok, so it’s really more of a mutation [...]
Paleo Diet: Is That Loose Skin, or Just Body-Fat?
This subject is actually a large concern for a lot of people. It has concerned me in the past because…..well…I’m vain, and I didn’t relish the idea of having pieces of loose skin on my body, as I lost weight. I was never really more than about 20lbs overweight, even at my heaviest, but after [...]
Paleo Diet News: Saturday Link-Love
Some paleo diet highlights from around the web this week in Saturday Link-Love….. Excited by this review by Mark Sisson of the forthcoming film In Search Of The Perfect Human Diet Mark also has some interesting stuff to say about the benefits of taking a personal retreat - something I enjoy doing from time to time, and need [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 6
Wow! The Paleo Summit keeps getting better and better! Today Sean Croxton is interviewing Paul Chek, founder of the C.H.E.K. Institute, Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, health educators and the developers of the Whole9 Life program, and Dr. Allison Siebecker a naturopathic doctor. Paul Chek – Living Primal: Instinct Before Intellect With so much research [...]
Paleo Diet News: Monday Link Love
Let’s get the week off to a great paleo start with a round up of some great paleo articles - some new, some old - from around the web. It’s Monday Link Love time! Have a good one, paleo peeps… The Being Primal blog takes a look at how different elements of a paleo approach [...]
The Paleo Diet and Aging
I’ve speculated before about the effect of eating paleo on human longevity. Strong evidence exists that there’s a concrete link between the paleo diet and aging, with a paleo approach helping to keep us off the ‘accelerated aging’ track. So I was interested to watch this TED Talk with biochemist Cynthia Kenyon, who has found a [...]
Paleo Diet: Low-Carb Fasting for Weight Loss & Disease Prevention
Intermittent fasting is a practice that is familiar to many who follow the paleo diet, and now a new study has found benefits in low-carb fasting for weight loss and disease prevention in breast cancer patients. Another example of the mainstream catching up with what followers of the paleo diet have known for some time? [...]
The Paleo Diet and Healing
I posted a comment in a paleo diet Facebook group a couple of days ago, making the observation that I seem to have been able to heal more quickly since going paleo. Cuts, grazes, scratches…they all recover faster, with less scarring, and with reduced likelihood of infection. I noted that this wasn’t a scientifically-verified observation, but [...]
Is Intermittent Fasting and Paleo a Good Match?
As most people know, the standard conventional wisdom is that the more frequently a person eats during the course of a day, the more they will bolster their metabolism. Trainers and diet gurus everywhere say that “six meals a day” is the sweet spot for a fast metabolism. Another school of thought says that whenever [...]