Steve Cooksey Decides to Bite Back!

We all know that Steve Cooksey is a great guy, with good intentions, but sometimes when push comes to shove, even nice guys decide that it’s time to pull out the M61 Vulcan Cannon, strap the ammo box to their back, connect the ammo chain, and buy cheap lasix get ready to rumble. It became [...]
Is Insulin Really The Bad Guy That Some Make It Out To Be?

Poor old insulin…’s been labeled as being the devil in the details for quite a long time now. The entire Low-Carb movement basically hangs it’s hat on the idea that insulin is single-handedly responsible for cheapest viagra australia making humanity fat. I had an argument once, about Gary Taubes with a commenter on my Underground [...]
Paleo Diet News: It Looks Like Steve Cooksey Is Off The Hook
A little over a week ago, on April 27th 2012, Steve Cooksey of the Diabetes Warrior blog, released information on his blog telling the world that he was under investigation by the North Carolina Board of Dietetics and Nutritionists, for providing unlicensed dietary advice from his website. You can read the announcement post here, in [...]
Paleo Diet Nutritional Blogs - Are We Dangerous?
Nutritional blogs are everywhere over the web, giving information and advice as to how to live a healthy lifestyle. Some focus on specific conditions like cancer, diabetes and celiac disease. Other focus on simply eating better to regain health. And the advice is all over the map, from low-fat, reduced calorie, to vegetarian and vegan [...]
Paleo Diet Videos: The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying

Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi’s videos this week cover important and interesting topics. This week he discusses our activity level and what has happened to it, more about sugar, obesity and bullying. and how he became morbidly obese. The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying What Ever Happened to the Strenuous Life? This first video is about [...]
Does Pat Summitt Need Paleo?

Pat Summitt I know, it’s a rhetorical question…..everyone needs Paleo. Considering that it was the natural human diet for around 2.5 millions years of evolution, there’s not much of an argument against the Paleo diet being correct and healthy for everyone on the planet. In this specific case though, a ketogenic version of the Paleo [...]
Paleo Diet’s Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi - Toxic Sugar Videos
I am going to be creating a somewhat regular feature here on Paleo Diet News, featuring the videos of Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi, chiropractor extraordinaire from Kingston PA. He is a low carbohydrate/Paleo diet proponent who has successfully regained his health, and in doing so has lost a significant amount of weight as well. [...]
Paleo Diet: Do Carbs Cause Insulin Resistance?

Gary Taubes was one of the founding fathers of the “carbohydrate insulin hypothesis”……at least, he made it semi-famous, even if he didn’t invent it. The hypothesis is simply that the over-consumption of carbohydrates lead to repeated and sustained releases of insulin, which our body ultimately builds up a resistance or immunity to. This supposedly leads [...]
Paleo Diet News: Toxic Sugar
Is main stream medicine finally catching on that the food Americans consume on a daily basis is poison? Last night (April 1, 2012), Dr. Sanjay Gupta, reported on CBS’ 60 Minutes in a segment called “Is Sugar Toxic?”, that sugar is a toxin, which has been wrecking havoc with our health for the last 30 [...]