Paleo Diet: Which Hormone Is Responsible For Obesity?
One of the problems associated with finding a cause as well as an answer for obesity, is that everyone seems to want to pin the blame on a single food, or a single hormone. Some people have blamed carbohydrates on the whole; others h buy generic cialis ave blamed insulin, probably because of its inherent [...]
Paleo Diet Videos: The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying
Dr. Joe “FatthenFitnow” Leonardi’s videos this buy cialis week cover important and interesting topics. This week he discusses our activity level and what has happened to it, more about sugar, obesity and bullying. and how he became morbidly obese. The Strenuous Life, Sugar and Bullying What Ever Happened to the Strenuous Life? This first video [...]
Paleo Diet: Weight Loss Doesn’t Always Equal Healthy
I hear it all the time, “Lose weight, and get healthy!”. Hell, I’ve said it myself multiple times…but, weight loss doesn’t always equal healthy, even though the mainstream would have us believe that it does. Today, I’m quoting from an article by an unlikely candidate for use on a Paleo based website, because the author [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 8 - The Last Day!!
So, here we are, at the very last day, day 8 of the Paleo Summit. For me this has been an eye opening experience. I have learned SO much and am now rethinking my overall health strategy in a big way. I am deeply grateful to Sean Croxton for putting together such a fabulous collection [...]
Is Insulin REALLY To Blame For Making People Fat?
Almost two years ago now, I read “Good Calories, Bad Calories” by Gary Taubes, and my world was officially rocked. It all made sense….Carbs make us fat, plain and simple. Carbohydrates and insulin combined are the devil, and together are responsible for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and every chronic disease the average person can [...]
Paleo Diet News: Government Calls Time On Obesity - Or Does It?
A couple of weeks ago, the English Government issued a dramatic-sounding press release - Government calls time on obesity - the contents of which indicate they’ve done anything but. It follows on from a previous statement which announced the Responsibility Deal, proposing that the best way of tackling the obesity crisis is through a stronger partnership between [...]
The Paleo Diet & PCOS
Is PCOS yet another disease that is caused by the S.A.D (Standard American Diet), and cured by the Paleo Template? PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is listed as a “rare disease”, although as much as 10% of the adult female population of childbearing age (20-40), are diagnosed annually with the disease. Approximately 1 woman [...]
Paleo Diet: Could Sulfur Be a Hidden Factor in Heart Disease and Diabetes?
In an un-dated article on, Dr. Mercola managed to grab my attention and firmly hold onto it, with an article titled “Could THIS Be the Hidden Factor Behind Obesity, Heart Disease, and Chronic Fatigue?”. Considering all of the recent talk about the heated “Cause of Obesity” debate between Gary Taubes, Stephen Guyenet, and just [...]
The Paleo Diet & N.A.Ds
The title of this article is interesting, isn’t it? Don’t get too excited, because N.A.D.s is an acronym, and not male genitalia, as it would appear. N.A.D.s is not even an acronym of my invention, so I’m not going to try and claim to you that I came up with it, or what it stands [...]
Gary Taubes’ Lecture at the Walnut Creek, CA Library - April 2 2011
This is an important lecture given by Gary Taubes’, author of the New York Times magazine article “What if It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie?” from July 2002, books “Good Calories, Bad Calories” and “Why We Get Fat”. If you really want to know why there is an obesity epidemic, why diabetes and other [...]