Paleo Diet: What if Omega-3′s Cause Cancer?
Sometimes, it takes what seems to be a really good idea, a long time to proliferate through the paleosphere, and into the mainstream. Sometimes, even though we’re all super-smart over here in Paleo-land, we actually get things wrong. Only slightly less than a year ago, it was the standard recommendation of each of the Paleo [...]
Paleo Diet News: Red Meat Increases Risk of Death! Really?
The Harvard School for Public Health has published a study which supposedly shows that red meat increases the risk of death. So a major source of macronutrients for human beings over the last 10,000 to 2.5 million years increases the risk of death? Why is the human race still here? Shouldn’t we all be dead [...]
The Paleo Summit – Day 5
On the Paleo Summit, Day 5 we have Denise Minger, a former raw vegan and avid student of nutrition, Chris Kresser, licensed acupuncturist and practitioner of integrative medicine, and Reed Davis, clinical nutritionist and founder of the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN). Denise Minger - How to Win an Argument with a Vegetarian The Paleo Diet [...]
Paleo Diet News: The Truth Behind ‘The China Study’
There can be no doubt that T. Colin Campbell’s book ‘The China Study’ is one that has gained considerable prominence amongst nutritionists from all backgrounds, not least because it proclaims itself as ‘the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted’. Some hold it up as the manifesto which proves the sense of a plant-based, vegan diet (the [...]