Paleo Diet News: Dr. Jack Kruse at TEDxNashville
The video of Dr. Jack Kruse at TEDxNashville has been released and boy, it was fascinating, at least to me. I have been anticipating this ever since Dr. Kruse m generic viagra entioned that he was going to be presenting at TED. I have been sort of following his progress with the Leptin Reset Prescription [...]
Paleo Diet: Carbsane Vs. Kruse
You know, I guess at some point someone is going to yell at me for helping to spread the negativity and dissension within the Paleo community, and my reply will probably be of the inevitable “Don’t shoot the messenger!!” kind. I happen to think….as many people do…..that what these people who are being attacked, bring [...]
What’s All This Cold Water Stuff About?
Cold Thermogenesis Some people call it simply an “Ice Bath”., while others call it “Cold Therapy”, “Cold Water Immersion”, or “Cryotherapy”. Dr Jack Kruse of the “Living an Optimized Life” blog calls his own brand of cold therapy “Cold Thermogenesis” or “CT” for short. Everyone’s talking about it, but what’s all this cold water stuff [...]