Paleo Diet Review: Olivia Newton-John’s ‘Livwise’

In fact, I’m still quite a fan even now, so I was delighted when she announced last year that she’d be releasing a book about her relationship with food and cooking. I decided back then it would probably merit a Paleo Diet News review. The book - Livwise:Easy Recipes For A Healthy Happy Life - has just [...]
Paleo Diet: Should Our Food Be Raw?
Everywhere you look, there are people talking about the possible benefits of raw food diets…..primarily raw vegan. I’m not going to go into detail here, but I’m pretty sure that if you’re reading articles on this site, you already know many reasons why a vegan diet of any kind (raw or not), is not optimal [...]
Paleo Diet News: Science, Money and Bias
We’ve reported previously (here and here) on the erroneous conclusions drawn from the recent meat-and-mortality studies. This is a prime example of the kind of bias that can slip into a so-called “scientific” analysis of foodstuffs. It’s something to be aware of whenever you read the words “a study has shown that….” Something else to [...]
The Paleo Summit - Day 6
Wow! The Paleo Summit keeps getting better and better! Today Sean Croxton is interviewing Paul Chek, founder of the C.H.E.K. Institute, Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, health educators and the developers of the Whole9 Life program, and Dr. Allison Siebecker a naturopathic doctor. Paul Chek – Living Primal: Instinct Before Intellect With so much research [...]
The Paleo Summit – Day 5
On the Paleo Summit, Day 5 we have Denise Minger, a former raw vegan and avid student of nutrition, Chris Kresser, licensed acupuncturist and practitioner of integrative medicine, and Reed Davis, clinical nutritionist and founder of the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN). Denise Minger - How to Win an Argument with a Vegetarian The Paleo Diet [...]
Killing Some Sacred Cows of the Paleo Diet

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s article on the winding path of paleo, I thought it would be worth posting this fascinating discussion between Harvard University’s Matt Lalonde and Steve from Evolution: This View Of Life. It’s of particular interest, because - as you’ll see - Lalonde takes a scientific approach to evolutionary nutrition that amounts [...]
Paleo Diet: More Bad Journalism About Meat
You possibly saw the coverage in the press this week of the highly publicised “processed meat may increase pancreatic cancer” studies. If not, head over to this Guardian article for a particularly potent example of why it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea if journalists were forever banned from interpreting scientific data. Or, at the very [...]
The Paleo Diet Main Event: Harris Vs. Matesz
Apparently, Dr. Kurt Harris of the “Archevore” blog, has become a little annoyed with the recent chain of inconsistent information that has been streaming from Don Matesz of the “Primal Wisdom” blog. So annoyed in fact, that he decided to lay down one of the most intense, no-holds-bared smack-downs that I’ve seen in a long [...]
Paleo Diet News: Low Vitamin B12 Can Mimic Dementia
A friend sent me this interesting article which was in the NY times last month: It Could Be Old Age, Or It Could Be Low B12. It’s a reminder that low levels of this essential nutrient can create symptoms suggestive of other problems. In fact, low vitamin B12 can mimic dementia and accelerated aging. From [...]
Paleo Diet News: The Truth Behind ‘The China Study’
There can be no doubt that T. Colin Campbell’s book ‘The China Study’ is one that has gained considerable prominence amongst nutritionists from all backgrounds, not least because it proclaims itself as ‘the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted’. Some hold it up as the manifesto which proves the sense of a plant-based, vegan diet (the [...]