UK-Based Diabetes Forum Bans Canadian Low-Carb Doc
Fear and controversy means that those who advocate low carb/high fat/paleo diets are getting nearer to the mark on curing diabetes. Those who purport to want to find a “cure”, will be out of business once the truth comes out. And it will. The scam of organizations and charities that aim to “find a cure” [...]
Real life testimonial: Scarlet’s turnaround - Paleo diet cure for Autism?
If you know ANYONE who has an autistic child, then have them read this article. This story is amazing! It is about a little girl, diagnosed with autism, whose condition was changed for the better just by changing to a paleo diet. Since this is anecdotal, the same results may not occur for everyone, but [...]
The Paleo Diet Cured My Allergies
This is not surprising, really, that Anna Stephens’ allergies would have been cured by following a paleo diet. Highly allergenic foods are common in today’s modern diet. Perhaps No. 1 on that list are glutenous grains. After being grain free for many months I notice that if I do eat grains (usually wheat), I start [...]
Tuberculosis Treatment and Cure with Raw Paleo Diet
This post is fascinating. Edwin Casimero of the Philippines, cured his son of tuberculosis by feeding him a raw paleo diet. He had the choice of conventional treatment or the paleo diet. Fortunately he chose paleo. He supported his son by following the same diet, eating raw beef and raw durian. When my then 7 [...]
A Closer Look at the Paleo Diet
Second part of a great article that actually takea apart the paleo diet. Why do I think it’s great? It points out the inconsistencies of what is considered to be the paleo diet. But it also helps us define what a paleo diet might have truly looked like. I believe that it is important to [...]
The Paleo Diet
Even though I am a proponent of the paleo lifestyle, I like this article since brings to light some of the flaws that I have found in the strict interpretation of the paleo diet. I do think grains would have been a part of the paleo diet, but in very small amounts. They are time [...]
Whole Health Source: Food Reward: a Dominant Factor in Obesity …
This is a fabulous comparison between extremely different diets, low fat, high fat, vegan and the paleo diet. each diet showed weight loss, with the paleo diet having the best results. But this only goes to show that there is not only one way to get healthy and lose weight. Unfortunately, the paleo diet trials [...]
From Vegan to Paleo - a change for the better
Seth Duncan went from being a vegan to following a strict paleo diet because of how tired and sluggish he felt as a vegan diet. The paleo diet he follows is high fat, which is only good for those who are active. If you are less active, reduce the fat to 40 - 50%, increase [...]
One man’s search for the perfect human diet
For the last 3-1/2 years, broadcast journalist CJ Hunt and his team have gone “In Search of the Perfect Human Diet TM.” An unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to the #1 killer in America - our growing epidemic of obesity and related chronic diseases - such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. To [...]
Review: Forks Over Knives
A review of the movie “Forks Over Knives” that just came out. Good reading. I’ve not seen the movie yet, but it does sound like a propaganda film for the vegan/vegetarian community. My personal opinion is that people need to pay attention to their own bodies an determine what is best for themselves. I’ve done [...]