Is Insulin Really The Bad Guy That Some Make It Out To Be?

Poor old insulin…’s been labeled as being the devil in the details for quite a long time now. The entire Low-Carb movement basically hangs it’s hat on the idea that insulin is single-handedly responsible for cheapest viagra australia making humanity fat. I had an argument once, about Gary Taubes with a commenter on my Underground [...]
The Paleo Diet Vs. Cancer

I know, all of us at Paleo Diet News have written about Cancer before, and how the Paleo Template can potentially be our best defense against the big “C” word. But, over the last few months, I have gathered some new tidbits of information that may be highly complementary in the fight against Cancer. The [...]
Does Pat Summitt Need Paleo?

Pat Summitt I know, it’s a rhetorical question…..everyone needs Paleo. Considering that it was the natural human diet for around 2.5 millions years of evolution, there’s not much of an argument against the Paleo diet being correct and healthy for everyone on the planet. In this specific case though, a ketogenic version of the Paleo [...]
The Paleo Diet And Bodybuilding

No matter how many people try to make the Paleo Template a “one size fits all” type of deal, there are always exceptions to the rule. Although Paleo certainly isn’t a low-carb protocol by default, many people seem to believe that low-carb Paleo is the more historically correct way to go, which eliminates almost all [...]
Paleo Diet News Review: Escape The Diet Trap

I reviewed Dr Briffa’s previous book Waist Disposal here on Paleo Diet News last year. That one focused on fat loss for men, and did so in an admirably clear way, utilising a diet based solidly on paleo precepts. Since it came out, I’ve recommended it to numerous male friends who have mentioned their need [...]
Paleo Diet: Do Carbs Cause Insulin Resistance?

Gary Taubes was one of the founding fathers of the “carbohydrate insulin hypothesis”……at least, he made it semi-famous, even if he didn’t invent it. The hypothesis is simply that the over-consumption of carbohydrates lead to repeated and sustained releases of insulin, which our body ultimately builds up a resistance or immunity to. This supposedly leads [...]
What’s All This Cold Water Stuff About?
Cold Thermogenesis Some people call it simply an “Ice Bath”., while others call it “Cold Therapy”, “Cold Water Immersion”, or “Cryotherapy”. Dr Jack Kruse of the “Living an Optimized Life” blog calls his own brand of cold therapy “Cold Thermogenesis” or “CT” for short. Everyone’s talking about it, but what’s all this cold water stuff [...]
Paleo Diet: Fasting And Cancer
I guess this is one of those weeks where Mark Sisson just decided to turn-out a few little gems on his blog. My last post was about one of Mark’s articles, and so is this one. Cancer has to be one of the scariest “diseases” out there. Ok, so it’s really more of a mutation [...]
Paleo Diet: Is That Loose Skin, or Just Body-Fat?
This subject is actually a large concern for a lot of people. It has concerned me in the past because…..well…I’m vain, and I didn’t relish the idea of having pieces of loose skin on my body, as I lost weight. I was never really more than about 20lbs overweight, even at my heaviest, but after [...]
Paleo Diet News: Friday Link Love
Watchout, here come the excuses! The main reason that I chose to do a link post today is because I’m currently dropping into deep Ketosis after eating a high-carb diet for the last month. I’m 24 hours in, I’ve eaten less than 10grams of carbs today, and my brain is barely functioning at this point. [...]