Paleo Diet: New Data Shows HDL Might Not Be So “Protective”
Ask five different “experts” about cholesterol, and you’ll no doubt get five very different answers. Sure, the overall “Paleo” view of cholesterol’s relationship to health and longevity is very different from the mainstream ideology, but even many ancestral health aficionados don’t have a firm grasp on what those famous numbers actually mean. Who does know? [...]
Paleo Diet News: Easter Link Love
Well, Easter has come and gone, and I was incredibly busy what with all of the kids and family stuff, so I figured that I’d throw out one of those useful link-love posts. The bloggers slowed down a bit over the holiday, so hopefully they’ll pick up again this week, otherwise I won’t have much [...]
Paleo Diet News Review: Escape The Diet Trap

I reviewed Dr Briffa’s previous book Waist Disposal here on Paleo Diet News last year. That one focused on fat loss for men, and did so in an admirably clear way, utilising a diet based solidly on paleo precepts. Since it came out, I’ve recommended it to numerous male friends who have mentioned their need [...]
Paleo Diet: Weight Loss Doesn’t Always Equal Healthy
I hear it all the time, “Lose weight, and get healthy!”. Hell, I’ve said it myself multiple times…but, weight loss doesn’t always equal healthy, even though the mainstream would have us believe that it does. Today, I’m quoting from an article by an unlikely candidate for use on a Paleo based website, because the author [...]
Paleo Diet News: The Truth About Fat?

I watched a documentary last night the name of which promised a great deal to anyone interested in the paleo diet: ‘The Truth About Fat’ (Horizon, BBC). Sadly, it fell significantly short of the mark. It was presented by surgeon Dr. Gabriel Weston, who guided the audience through her journey of looking at the probable causes [...]
Paleo Diet News: Science, Money and Bias
We’ve reported previously (here and here) on the erroneous conclusions drawn from the recent meat-and-mortality studies. This is a prime example of the kind of bias that can slip into a so-called “scientific” analysis of foodstuffs. It’s something to be aware of whenever you read the words “a study has shown that….” Something else to [...]
Paleo Diet News: Gary Taubes on the Red Meat Study
This morning I posted a somewhat humorous take on the whole “red meat increases death” debacle since I knew, through the methodology of the study, that it was likely to be incorrect. Since others had covered why it was wrong, I didn’t see the need to beat it up here. But I would like to [...]
Paleo Diet News: Red Meat Increases Risk of Death! Really?
The Harvard School for Public Health has published a study which supposedly shows that red meat increases the risk of death. So a major source of macronutrients for human beings over the last 10,000 to 2.5 million years increases the risk of death? Why is the human race still here? Shouldn’t we all be dead [...]
The Paleo Diet and the Dimona Study
While the debate rages in the Paleo community as to whether or not ”safe starches” are okay to eat, or if low carb is the way to go on the Paleo diet, the “Dimona Study” from Israel, shows pretty conclusively that a low carbohydrate diet works better for weight loss than the Mediterranean diet or a [...]