Paleo Diet News: Two Interesting Articles

Paleo Blog ReviewThe Paleo Blogasphere is still ra

ther quiet right now. Several of the major bloggers have fallen silent over the last several months, which is leaving fresh blog post pickings a little slim recently.

There were two interesting articles that caught my eye today, but neither one of them is worthy of a large dedicated review in my opinion, so I thought that I’d tell you about both of them here.

Article One

First up is an article from Mark Sisson’s Mark’s Daily Apple

blog, called “Is It Primal? - 7 More Foods Scrutinized“. Now, I’m not saying that this article isn’t worthy of review, but it’s one of those articles that I would have to quote virtually all of it, to make much sense. So, check out my outline, and then head on over to Mark’s blog to read the details.

Since it seems to be popular with this crowd, and we’re never running out of questionable foods, I figured I’d take the time to put together another round of “Is It Primal?” I got most of these choices from the comment sections of previous posts, along with follow-up emails. As always, feel free to fill in the blanks after the post. I have a strong feeling this will become a recurring series of posts, and I’m going to need plenty of material.

So obviously in this article, Mark covers 7 more foods that make a lot of people ask the question, “Is this Primal?”

The food covered are:

  1. Sprouts
  2. Agave Nectar
  3. Soy Lecithin
  4. Coconut Aminos
  5. Tapioca
  6. Animal Skin
  7. Quorn

Seriously? No-one was really

on the fence about the Primal/Paleo nature of Quorn, were they?!

Mark always does a great job of clarifying these foods for us. If there is anything that you can think, that you’d like to see Mark address in a future article, make sure you suggest it in the comments section of this particular article.

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Article Two

The second article, entitled “” was found on Medical News Today.

Researchers in the UK have found that children are more likely to have higher levels of body fat during childhood if their mother had insufficient levels of Vitamin D during pregnancy. The study is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.”

“The team found that body fat levels at age 6 where higher among children born to mothers who had low vitamin D status during pregnancy. Other factors, such as weight gain in pregnancy, or how physically active the children were, did not explain the differences.”

“Although there is growing evidence that vitamin D status is linked to body fatness in children and adults, this research now suggests that the mother’s status in pregnancy could be important too.”

Check out the original article for a few more details.

Well, that’s all folks…..Have a great Friday!


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Barry Cripps is a Paleo-based, Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, who operates out of Bowling Green, Kentucky.

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