Diabetes and the Paleo Diet… again

When I read articles such as this, “Diabetes: Cases double in 30 years - and the outlook is bleak” from the Independent, I get sad and a bit mad. No one has to get diabetes. NO ONE. The cure is as simple as changing your diet. And perhaps the optimal diet is the Paleo diet.

A major international study has revealed the number of adults worldwide with Type 2 diabetes has more than doubled in three decades, soaring to an estimated 347 million.

The research, published yesterday in The Lancet, shows levels have risen or at best remained unchanged in every part of the world. Over the past 30 years, the proportion of men with the condition rose from 8.3 to 9.8 per cent. The proportion of women with diabetes increased from 7.5 to 9.2 per cent. Click here to read the full article.

The Paleo diet is a return to a time when grains and fruits high in fructose were not a part of the human diet. 6,000 to 12,000 years ago when we started to raise our food rather than hunt and forage, we dramatically increased our consumption of carbohydrates. With that rise came the some of the diseases we currently experience today. Recent archeological evidence shows that at least some ancient Egyptians had coronary artery disease, the hardening of the arteries and tooth decay.

Today, with carbohydrates being so readily available because of industrial farming and food processing techniques, the diseases that accompany agriculture have exploded.  In the past it seemed that these diseases were generally limited to the wealthy and royalty, since with wealth it is easier to acquiring more refined foods. But since we’ve created refined foods to be the cheapest food on the planet, the poorest of our nations, and the least able economically to bear the burden of sickness, are now getting heart disease, diabetes and more.

I am going to make an observation about the article I am quoting from. I am not a doctor, a dietician or a nutritionist, however because of my personal experience with my own health I believe I can make this statements with a degree of authority. In the article the implication is that if you are obese you will get diabetes. That is not true. Obesity does not cause diabetes, they are correlative, not causative. This means that both conditions are caused by the same thing, in this case, eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates. Even though I am obese, I am CERTAIN I will never get diabetes, because I know how to prevent it. The prevention and cure is as simple as removing all refined carbohydrates (flour, sugar, potatoes, corn, etc.) and most other carbohydrates that can cause spikes in blood sugar levels (all grains, all natural sugars like honey, high glycemic fruits). If you are diabetic or have insulin resistance this a crucial step. Keep in mind that the above recommendations do not apply to people with normal blood sugar levels. The Paleo diet can include some healthy starchy and natural sugar foods like potatoes, maple syrup and honey.

Don’t let yourself become another diabetes statistic. Weight loss, although extremely important for your overall good health, will not cure diabetes. If you have diabetes and are following your doctor’s orders regarding food choices, examine the recommendations carefully. If you’ve been told to eat a low fat diet which includes more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats, this diet will keep you sick and on the insulin treadmill. DO THE RESEARCH YOURSELF. Do not take my word for it! There is ample information that shows eating a low carbohydrate, moderately high fat, high protein diet will not only prevent diabetes but cure it. In my personal research I have found that the optimal diet for diabetes is the Paleo Diet.

What has been your experience with diabetes, carbohydrates and diets? Please feel free to contribute to the conversation.


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