paleo lifestyle

What Would Happen if The World Went Gluten-Free?

I read an interesting article on, entitled “Should We All Go Gluten-Free?”. In my opinion, it is truly one of those articles that was a written from a well-intentioned perspective, but with some glaring, inherently misguided undertones. Maybe you know what I mean, if you’re a crazy Paleo-living foodie like myself, or maybe you [...]

Best Gifts for the Paleo Diet: Vibram FiveFingers

They’re still not exactly mainstream, some people think they look plain stupid, they’re a little pricey, there’s like 100 different styles to choose from, but they make amazing Christmas gifts. What am I talking about? Vibram FiveFingers of course! Best Gifts for the Paleo Diet? Give The Gift of Barefoot This Christmas! Part of the [...]

The Paleo Diet For Athletes

Yes, I know that there is already a book with this very name, by none other than the esteemed Dr. Loren Cordain (arguably the Paleo Diet Godfather), but this is an important topic, and my desire to write this article stemmed from some very frequently asked questions from clients and friends. What about the Paleo [...]

Is Intermittent Fasting and Paleo a Good Match?

As most people know, the standard conventional wisdom is that the more frequently a person eats during the course of a day, the more they will bolster their metabolism. Trainers and diet gurus everywhere say that “six meals a day” is the sweet spot for a fast metabolism. Another school of thought says that whenever [...]

The Paleo Diet and Migraines

Headaches suck. Migraines are even worse; they’re like the worst normal headache, multiplied by 100, with a few thumbtacks thrown in for good measure. I’ve only had one migraine that I can recall, when I was around 13 years old. I honestly didn’t know what hit me. I had the vision problems, and a ridiculous [...]

The Paleo Diet & MS

What is Multiple Sclerosis, or MS? Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune condition that affects the brain and the spinal chord. It affects more women than men. Over 300,000 people in American have the condition, and over 1 million people all over the world. According to Pubmed Health, “MS is caused by damage to the myelin [...]

The Paleo Diet and Self Experimentation

How old are you? Where are you from? Are you Male or Female? How tall are you? Where are your ancestors from? Are you fair skinned, or dark skinned? Do you tan easily, or burn easily? What time do you go to bed? What time do you get up? Do you gain weight easily? Do [...]

The Paleo Diet: Gallbladder Issues

One of the biggest problems I hear about when some of my clients begin eating in the Paleo or Primal way, is gallbladder issues and gallstones. Conventional wisdom tells us that gallbladder issues are aggravated by eating large amounts of fat, so of course the standard doctor’s advise is to avoid fatty foods. As usual, [...]

The Paleo Diet: Insulin and ASP

Everyone who lives a Paleo, Primal, or low-carb lifestyle knows a little about the hormone insulin. Insulin is the storage hormone that is released within our bodies, in response to the carbohydrates that we eat. If there is allowed to be even a quarter of a teaspoon too much glucose in our blood, we face [...]

The Paleo Diet and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

Anyone that actually reads my insane ramblings on this site about the Paleo diet, might remember reading a recent article about sulfur being a possible factor contributing to heart disease and Diabetes. At the bottom of the Dr. Mercola article that I mentioned in my blog post, Dr. Mercola stated, “As for supplements, methylsulfonylmethane, commonly [...]

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