Paleo Diet News Review: Escape The Diet Trap
I reviewed Dr Briffa’s previous book Waist Disposal here on Paleo Diet News last year. That one focused on fat loss for men, and did so in an admirably clear way, utilising a diet based solidly on paleo precepts. Since it came out, I’ve recommended it to numerous male friends who have mentioned their need [...]
Paleo Diet: Maximum Fitness, Minimum Time
I’ve spoken to a number of people who seem to have the paleo diet down pat, but who are still circling the runway when it comes to paleo fitness. They’re either still doing their old fitness routines - endless cardio and/or repetitive lifting with weights too light to make a real difference - or doing [...]
The Paleo Diet for Beginners (with Vegetarian Options)
Looking For A Paleo Primer? Since I started writing for Paleo Diet News, I’ve had numerous requests for a beginner’s guide to eating paleo. So, consider this my “Paleo 101“. Do bear in mind, however, that it can’t be a definitive guide. Even amongst significant paleo diet luminaries such as Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson, and Robb [...]
The New (Old) Paleo Diet Exercise: Chores
So, in the Huffington Post an article was published which says that doing chores makes you fit. Is this a surprise? Obviously to some it is. But to Paleo dieters this is old news. In fact its ancient news. Why? Because nearly ALL activity done by our Paleo ancestors would have been in the form [...]
7 Reasons to Try Interval Training
One of the great things about interval training is that you get a lot for a little. That is you get a lot of results for a short amount of effort. But boy, that effort. The goal is to get your heart rate up, to 80 - 85% for short bursts, then in between you [...]