The Paleo Diet and Cheat Meals

We all do it… It’s ok to admit it… Every now and then we all eat something that is definitely not Paleo. Does everyone eat in a perfectly Paleo way for every meal of the day, seven days a week? Maybe some die-hards, but on the whole, I’d have to say no, most people cheat [...]
Paleo Diet: McEwen Vs. Kruse Part I
I thought about naming this post, “ready, aim, fire” or, “Trouble in Paradise”, but ultimately I thought it would be easier to just call it what it is; “McEwen Vs. Kruse Part I”. Before I go any further, I want to make it clear that although I make it my business to report on these [...]
Paleo Diet: Fighting Within The Ranks…AGAIN!
I guess it was bound to happen. For a while there, the Paleo community on the whole seemed to get along nicely, like one large reasonably cohesive family…..but now, not so much. Recently, the Paleo community has witnessed a little, sometimes-unfriendly fighting within the ranks. First, everyone began taking shots at Don Matesz for his [...]
Paleo Diet: Thursday Link Love
It used to be Wednesday, and then I skipped a few, so Brian posted a “Sunday Link Love” article, so I think I’m going to break the rules yet again. Here it is, nearly the end of the week, and I’m suffering from that well-known blogger’s block. I really don’t seem to have a whole [...]