
What If The Paleo Diet Really Could Cure Everything?

Maybe it sounds silly to some, maybe it sounds perfectly plausible to others, and maybe it sounds like an irrefutable fact to yet another group of people. I happen to be one of those people who honestly believe that the Paleo diet lifestyle could actually cure everything. It’s a sad fact that in this day [...]

Paleo Diet: Autism and Diabetes

Is it possible that autism and diabetes have a connection? In researching the Paleo diet I’ve come across some interesting connections between diseases and conditions that would not appear to be related in any way. Autism and diabetes are one such pair. We know that the Paleo diet can reverse and possibly cure diabetes, but [...]

Real life testimonial: Scarlet’s turnaround - Paleo diet cure for Autism?

If you know ANYONE who has an autistic child, then have them read this article. This story is amazing! It is about a little girl, diagnosed with autism, whose condition was changed for the better just by changing to a paleo diet. Since this is anecdotal, the same results may not occur for everyone, but [...]