Is Cod Liver Oil Healthy?

Mark Sisson, over at Mark’s Daily Apple, has a regular feature called Is It Primal? I like it because he’s not just giving a thumb up or thumb down, but really digs in to examine the heal

th benefits of each food. The first question he answers in thus blog post is a good one …. Is cod liver oil healthy?

is cod liver oil healthy Mark’s article covers these foods

  • Is cod liver oil healthy?
  • Is mead healthy?
  • Is maple syrup healthy?
  • Is pectin healthy?
  • Is sunflower butter healthy?
  • Is camel meat healthy?

If you have wondered about any of those, check Mark Sisson’s article out.

Here’s an excerpt … but go check out the entire article… it’s that good.

Is Cod Liver Oil Healthy?

This one’s easy to answer. Cod? It’s a rather lean fish from colder northern waters – definitely Primal. Liver? It’s harder to get more Primal than liver, to be honest. And although processed seed/vegetable/hydrogenated oils aren’t Primal, most other oils, like coconut, olive, and palm, come highly recommended. So, yes, cod liver oil is Primal.

But what we’re really wondering is whether or buy clomid without a prescription not we should eat the stuff.

Should we?

Perhaps. Cod liver oil is a fishoil, so it’s a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA. If we’re not regularly eating fatty fish, we should be adding a supplementary source of omega-3s to our diets. Cod liver can be that supplementary source. However, cod liver oil isn’t just a way to get omega-3s; it’s also rich in vitamin A and vitamin D. In fact, in cold northern climates that get little sunshine, cod liver oil was (historically) a common way for people to obtain enough vitamin D to avoid rickets and other maladies. I wouldn’t rely on it solely for my vitamin D requirements, but it can provide a nice whopping dose of pre-formed vitamin A for those who don’t eat animal liver.

And as Chris Kresser said, cod liver oil is a sacred superfood for fertility and pregnancy. However, he recommends the fermented cod liver oil from Green Pastures, which is cold-treated, rather than heat-treated, and contains only the vitamin A and vitamin D naturally found in fish liver. Many people suspect other cod liver oil brands use synthetic vitamin A, which acts differently than foods that contain vitamin A.
Read more:

So there you have it…. cod liver is is very healthy. I’d say we have a pretty definitive answer to the question, is cod liver oil healthy… wouldn’t you?

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