Paleo Diet News: Friday Link Love
Watchout, here come the excuses!
The main reason that I chose to do a link post today is because I’m currently dropping into deep Ketosis after eating a high-carb diet for the last month. I’m 24 hours in, I’ve eaten less than 10grams of carbs today, and my brain is barely functioning at this point. I got pretty used to going in and
out of ketosis on an almost daily basis for over a year, but after being very high carb for the last month, my body is not making the transition so easily this time. I have severe brain fog, and my stomach isn’t feeling so good right now. This is fun, but I know I’ll be out of the woods in a day or two.
The second reason is that PaleoFX is being held right now, so ALL of the bloggers I usually follow are at the symposium, and are subsequently not posting anything this week. There are a few decent posts out there to chose from though, so here we go…..
First up we have a great little video that is almost a direct answer to Dr. Lustig’s “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” video:
A great article by Functional Performance Systems:
Tryptophan, Sleep, and Depression
A great post from Mark Sisson’s blog about flushes and cleanses:
Dear Mark: Are Detoxes and Cleanses Safe and Effective?
At Jimmy Moore’s Blog, we have:
Ask The Low-Carb Experts (Episode 9): ‘All Things Calories (Calories 101)’ | Mat Lalonde
New at Robb Wolf’s blog:
Paleo Diet, Inflammation and Metformin
From Hunt, Gather, Love:
Storage: Possible Neolithic Agent of Disease
That’s all I can find right now… brain is shutting down as we speak….
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Barry Cripps is a Paleo-based, Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, who operates out of Bowling Green, Kentucky.
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