
Is Insulin Really The Bad Guy That Some Make It Out To Be?

Is Insulin Really The Bad Guy That Some Make It Out To Be?

Poor old insulin…’s been labeled as being the devil in the details for quite a long time now. The entire Low-Carb movement basically hangs it’s hat on the idea that insulin is single-handedly responsible for cheapest viagra australia making humanity fat. I had an argument once, about Gary Taubes with a commenter on my Underground [...]

Paleo Diet: Which Hormone Is Responsible For Obesity?

One of the problems associated with finding a cause as well as an answer for obesity, is that everyone seems to want to pin the blame on a single food, or a single hormone. Some people have blamed carbohydrates on the whole; others h buy generic cialis ave blamed insulin, probably because of its inherent [...]

Is Insulin REALLY To Blame For Making People Fat?

Almost two years ago now, I read “Good Calories, Bad Calories” by Gary Taubes, and my world was officially rocked. It all made sense….Carbs make us fat, plain and simple. Carbohydrates and insulin combined are the devil, and together are responsible for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and every chronic disease the average person can [...]

The Paleo Diet and Aging

I’ve speculated before about the effect of eating paleo on human longevity.  Strong evidence exists that there’s a concrete link between the paleo diet and aging, with a paleo approach helping to keep us off the ‘accelerated aging’ track. So I was interested to watch this TED Talk with biochemist Cynthia Kenyon, who has found a [...]

Fat DOESN’T Make You Fat

“Fat makes you fat”.  Sounds plausible, doesn’t it? It was the mantra of the low-fat diet craze which first found favour in the 1980s, and blazed a trail through the diet industry for much of the 1990s.  Even now, the “logic” of this statement is firmly embedded in the consciousness of many.  Entire countries have [...]

The Paleo Diet: Insulin and ASP

Everyone who lives a Paleo, Primal, or low-carb lifestyle knows a little about the hormone insulin. Insulin is the storage hormone that is released within our bodies, in response to the carbohydrates that we eat. If there is allowed to be even a quarter of a teaspoon too much glucose in our blood, we face [...]

Paleo Diet: More on Sulfur

My previous articles on sulfur, and MSM spawned multiple questions from people regarding the specific problems associated with sulfur deficiency, and the subsequent benefits of supplementing with MSM. The following quotes are taken from the original article on the Weston A. Price website, by Stephanie Seneff, PhD. I believe that these points are in essence, [...]

Alzheimer’s Disease and the Paleo Diet

Alzheimer’s disease - an incurable, degenerative and terminal form of dementia - is one of the most feared diseases of older age, although it can strike even the young.  Incidence of the illness is predicted to triple in the next forty years, and it is estimated that by 2050, one in every eighty-five human beings on the planet will be [...]