Stephan Guyenet Weighs in on Fructose

It seems that I’m not the only person who’s paying attention to David Despain’s “Evolving Health” blog. Evelyn, aka “Carbsane” has be cialis online purchase en raving about David’s interview with John Sievenpiper, that he wrote about in his article entitled “Fate of fructose: Interview with Dr. John Sievenpiper” (believe it or not), and now [...]
Paleo Diet: Is There A Negative To Coconut Oil?
Everywhere you look, there are people shouting the praises of Coconut oil. It’s pretty much a Paleo Diet staple, and is known to be very healthy. Coconut oil is processed directly into ketone bodies, which means that it isn’t processed in the same way as other fats. Because of this, it is very useful as [...]
Carbsane Weighs In On Cold Therapy
Evelyn AKA Carbsane, has been ranting, spouting, and complaining about Jack Kruse for quite a while now, but she finally decided to bring some helpful information to the table in an article on April 11th 2012. In the article entitled “Cold Adaptation, BAT & Thermogenesis”, Evelyn brings us back to the reality of the true [...]
Paleo Diet: Carbsane Vs. Kruse
You know, I guess at some point someone is going to yell at me for helping to spread the negativity and dissension within the Paleo community, and my reply will probably be of the inevitable “Don’t shoot the messenger!!” kind. I happen to think….as many people do…..that what these people who are being attacked, bring [...]