Organizing Your Paleo Diet Kitchen: The Refrigerator

I was searching the Web for ideas on organizing my refrigerator since it’s almost like a black hole. Food goes in, seems to disappear for a while, then reemerges shriveled and spoiled. Part of the problem for me is a lack of planning, but most of the time I just don’t see what I’ve bought and I forget about it, until it’s rediscovered long past it’s optimal date. I found several videos on organizing the refrigerator and I’d like to share them with you. These are some great tips for an organized Paleo diet kitchen.

Highly recommended product and very convenient as it’s stabilised. ! Today, oral tablets are the most common ED treatment. This is one of them.
This one of the best products in the market with the added value that refrigeration is not necessary. ! Each of these medications are Indian FDA approved and are internationally certified, so you know our products are safe.

This first video is from The Struggling Cook. Rochelle’s focus is organizing her husband’s salad dressing bottles, but the tip of using plastic shoe boxes can be applied for many other things in the refrigerator.



This next video is from Geobeats and is much broader in it’s organizing scope. Chef Mary Ellen Rae, of Personal Touch Gourmet, explains the basics of organizing the refrigerator. More great ideas on organizing your paleo diet kitchen!



While not specifically organizing the refrigerator, I thought this video had some extremely useful ideas.The focus is on organizing the cupboards.



This video comes from Howard’s Storage World in Australia and is selling their specific products.  Below are links to similar items on

I hope you found these short videos helpful for organizing your Paleo diet kitchen. The refrigerator is probably the most important appliance in the kitchen and should be used as efficiently as possible. Following the Paleo diet can be costly, so we don’t need to be losing food to spoilage because of poor organization.

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