
Someone Needs To Tell Clinton About The Paleo Diet

I’m sure by now, most of us have already heard that former President Bill Clinton has made some rather drastic changes to his dietary lifestyle. The recent and supposedly “heart healthy” change was detailed in an Aug 18th article on entitled “From Omnivore the Vegan: The Dietary Education of Bill Clinton”, by David S. Martin. [...]

The Paleo Diet and Fluoride

This week, August 7 - 13, is Fluoride Awareness Week, organized by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). The goal of FAN is to remove fluoride that is being added to the water supply of Canada and the United States. Why is this such an important issue? Are we really being poisoned by the fluoride added [...]

Vegans, the UN and the Paleo Diet

The U.N. wants us all to be vegan. No, really it’s true. The video below is a propaganda piece about a report written to justify pushing humanity toward a vegan diet. The video is also filled with not too subtle messages about meat consumption. The basis for the reasoning behind the U.N.’s push is because [...]

Rawesome Foods Raided by the LA Sheriff’s Office, FDA, CDC, Dept of Agriculture

Yesterday evening I posted the article below while still rather upset at the news of the raid on Rawesome Food’s facitility. I have since learned that they were operating without a license and had been doing so since opening in 2007. From YoVenice website  : Rawesome, a health market in Venice, failed to obtain a [...]

Walnuts, Doritos and the Paleo Diet

Walnuts are an important part of the Paleo diet, but soon we may have to go to a doctor to get a prescription to buy them. In these topsy turvy days of health and food labeling the FDA has decided that walnuts are a drug and that Doritos® are a health food. How can this [...]

Raw Dairy and Freedom - and the Paleo Diet

The latest on the raw dairy front: California, which I thought had laws allowing the sale of raw dairy products, is challenging a small dairy (two cows!) who sells raw milk to about 15 customers. Actually she is not selling the milk, she is selling shares of her cows. But the state still insists that [...]

Pastured foods for the Paleo Diet

Is the USDA finally wising up to the fact that factory farms are not sustainable? A new study BY the USDA shows that factory farms produce more pollutants and that pastured animals are better for the environment. But we also all know that pastured animal products are better for us and better for the Paleo [...]

Dutch ritual slaughter ban and the Paleo diet

I have to thank my friends at MEETA (Meat-Eaters for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for posting a comment on Facebook about the proposed ban on ritual slaughter in Holland. This is an important issue and one that concerns many people, not just observant Jews or Muslims, but also those following a Paleo diet and [...]

Food Safety for the Paleo Diet

In the wake of the deaths of 31 people in Europe due to a possibly bioengineered strain of E. coli found on cucumbers from Spain, questions have been raised about the safety of our food supply in the U.S. on many different levels,  including the over use of antibiotics. Currently more people are killed every [...]

“Farmageddon” and Paleo diet foods - Protecting family farms

The premiere showing of “Farmageddon” was hosted by Slow Food DC to an enthusiastic audience on Thursday. night. The film, directed by Kristin Canty, highlights the plight of small farms across the country and the raids by the FDA and USDA dumping precious food produced by these farms. The farms produce safe wholesome food for [...]

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